
Here's a quick haiku
To introduce me to you.
Do you like the view?

Okay, yeah, I know that was lame. but hey, a rhyming haiku on the spot isn't bad is it? So, welcome to my blog! This will mostly be used to get some interest and feedback on my writing that I've been doing in hopes that by the time I finish my books will be better than if I hadn't done this. I would appreciate comments with your opinions, what you like and don't like, etc.

---Thank you to those who have visited my blog! Deepest apologies for not updating as often as I intended to, I am working on fixing that. Thank you for your time and support, it mean's an incredible amount to me! *Please do have any friends and family you have that may enjoy some of what I write check it out and vote on the poll!!!*---

**Be sure to check the bottom of the page for information and a link about my novel Reversing Retribution which will be made into a movie by Mystic Arts Entertainment**

Thank you everyone for visiting, and hopefully reading so long as your here. Let's hope I don't fall out of my daily writing again any time soon!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reversing Retribution pt. 3

            Aidan drove around, not caring where he went so long as it was unfamiliar and open.  Maybe it’s overkill, Aidan thought, but I’m starting over.  New life, new apartment, might as well get a new stargazing spot too.  He drove towards a canyon that had come into view.  It was maybe another forty minutes to it, and hopefully it would have a nice spot for him to lie back and watch the beauty of the night sky.
            He turned on the music, listening to his car blast the music on his CD.  For the first time that he could remember, he had a real smile forming on his face.  “Tonight really is a turn for the better,” Aidan whispered to himself, “It must be.”
            It was a peaceful drive.  Only on rare occasion did he see another car on road.  He reached the canyon and continued.  It was a sight to behold as he drove.  The mountains, the changing trees, a small river just off the road… all of it was breathtaking even in the darkness of the night.  This would be a night to remember.
            Aidan started searching for roads trailing off to a more open area so he could have a nice view of the sky.  Soon enough he spotted a small road trailing off to the left, curving upwards to what might be that open area he’d been hoping for.  He turned left and followed the road up.  The smile that was on his face widened as he saw that it was just as he hoped, possibly better.
            He parked his car in the middle of the open area, a little off where the road was, and turned off the car.  He reached in the back and pulled out the blanket he’d brought with him to keep warm in the chilly autumn air.  It was only when he stepped out of the car that he noticed he wasn’t the first one here.  Aidan decided to go say hi to whomever he’d be sharing this wonderful night stargazing with.
            “Hey, do you come here often?” Aidan called out while he was still a ways away, so as to not scare the person he was approaching.  The figure was lying on the car and looked at Aidan.  It was a girl, but he couldn’t tell much more than that.
            “Just whenever I feel like getting away for a while,” she said with a bit of laugh, “What brings you up here? I’ve never seen anyone else around this spot.”
            “Same as you I imagine.  Get away from things for a night, watch the stars from a beautiful spot.” He smiled as he stopped just a couple of feet away from her car.  The girl sat up and faced him.  She took a moment looking at him.  Her eyes on the blanket, she smiled.
            “I don’t suppose you’d share that blanket with me would you?” she asked with a shiver.  Aidan laughed.
            “Of course.  By the way, I’m Aidan.” He stepped forward and offered his hand.  She reached and shook it.
            “Aubrey.  So, you coming up or what?”  Aidan grinned and climbed up, quickly wrapping the blanket around them, as they lied back, gazing up into the starlit night.


  1. More posts! More posts! We want more posts!

  2. I like the imagery. It pulls you right into the story. When is this book getting published again? I agree with the last person to comment: "More posts! More posts! We want more posts!"

  3. um? later than i expected... haha sometime this year though. if i can crank out half as much as i did today on a near daily basis, i should only be a couple months :)
