
Here's a quick haiku
To introduce me to you.
Do you like the view?

Okay, yeah, I know that was lame. but hey, a rhyming haiku on the spot isn't bad is it? So, welcome to my blog! This will mostly be used to get some interest and feedback on my writing that I've been doing in hopes that by the time I finish my books will be better than if I hadn't done this. I would appreciate comments with your opinions, what you like and don't like, etc.

---Thank you to those who have visited my blog! Deepest apologies for not updating as often as I intended to, I am working on fixing that. Thank you for your time and support, it mean's an incredible amount to me! *Please do have any friends and family you have that may enjoy some of what I write check it out and vote on the poll!!!*---

**Be sure to check the bottom of the page for information and a link about my novel Reversing Retribution which will be made into a movie by Mystic Arts Entertainment**

Thank you everyone for visiting, and hopefully reading so long as your here. Let's hope I don't fall out of my daily writing again any time soon!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Novel 1 / 3

This is a small amount from my novel  Darkness of Heart  that I am working on. Hope you enjoy it! Always feel free to comment, give your opinion, constructive criticism is happily welcomed.


Omnipotence forever sought for,
can be found thru spirits' door.
Unlocked only by one's undoing,
Leading to the forgotten Ring
Endless pondering awaits,
those who enter the gates.
Darkness, Ether, Light,
All but the last to the bringer of Blight,
Leader of the darkest legion too,
as to create the world anew.

Chapter 1 - Brothers

Heavy drops of rain glistened as they fell from the starless night sky. Lesion lay on the dirt, twisting and muttering in his is sleep, his eyes closed tightly. The tall, mighty trees surrounding the small clearing were holding most of the rainfall like a canopy. Then the weight became too much and water poured down from above, drenching Lesion.
His eyes flashed open as he bolted upright, gasping. Gradually his breathing returned to normal, though his eyes were still wide, displaying his pain and bewilderment.
“Bad dream?” Rukioh was standing next to him, looking down with obvious concern. Lesion fell back to the ground, sprawled out. He closed his eyes a couple of seconds, relaxing, then glanced up at Rukioh.
“That's putting it lightly, but yeah. Bad dream.” Lesion said quietly, turning away. Rukioh waited for a short moment, then spoke:
“Right. Well, let's get going. This is something we can not be late for, Lesion.”
“Yes, I know,” Lesion said with an edge as he stood up. He turned to face Rukioh, “You ought to know that being late for this is the last thing I would let happen.” Rukioh shook his head, put on his pack, and headed out.
“I really hate you sometimes,” Lesion muttered darkly as he picked up his pack and put it on. He jogged to catch back up to Rukioh. They walked together in silence for most of the day, except the occasional comment on the scenery or a quick joke.
“Hey, Lesion, I think that we'll be out of here in maybe an hour.”
He slowed down and looked over at Lesion, a smile forming on his face. Lesion gave him a small grin as he looked over at him, and kept walking. Rukioh sped up a bit to get back next to Lesion, who in turn gazed ahead, taking everything in. He loved the vibrant beauty of the environment surrounding them, though anyone who didn't know him as well as his own brother would never guess it.
“Look, I know I told you before, but...” Rukioh paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.
“I just don't want you hurt, or worse, killed. Neither of us has any idea what you'll be going up against in the coliseum.” Rukioh finished as Lesion stopped cold. Rukioh stopped as well, turning to face Lesion.
“It was you or me Rukioh, and it sure as hell won't be you fighting,” he said shortly. “I'm not letting you be put in any danger.” he continued more calmly, looking into Rukioh's deep, blue eyes. The world seemed to be in complete silence for a moment. Then Rukioh spoke:
“I know how you're feeling, but I'm the one that's going to be protecting, little brother.” He put an obvious emphasis on the second to last word. Lesion's eyes narrowed, but he said nothing. Instead, he turned and started forward at a brisk pace. Rukioh stared after him, wondering what was going through his mind. Oh Lesion... when will you stop adding to the burdens you already carry? Rukioh thought, sadness welling up within him. He gave a small sigh, then started walking, giving Lesion some distance. Time passed slowly as the continued on.
“Finally...” Lesion sighed with relief, looked over at Rukioh, and smiled. Rukioh grinned in return. He cocked his eyebrows at Lesion, looked at the end of the woods, then started sprinting. Lesion stood for a second, then ran as hard as he could. It only took a short moment for him to pass Rukioh.
Lesion quickly reached the destination of their race, then turned around to see Rukioh in the air diving at him. Lesion bent backwards so he would go right over him, but he was still in Rukioh's reach. Rukioh caught one of Lesion's arms and pulled him to the ground as he crashed down as well, laughing. Lesion twisted out of his grip and stood up.
“Congrats. That's like, what, one successful tackle for maybe a hundred tries?” Lesion grinned, offering his hand to Rukioh. Rukioh took it and stood up.
“Three for a hundred. Come on, give me credit.”
“Whatever,” Lesion smiled then started walking.
“So you're faster. Don't be so cocky. You know I'm stronger than you,” Rukioh said with a little sneer. Lesion laughed in response.
“What good is being stronger if you never land a blow?” Lesion said tauntingly.
“Uh, what do you call a minute ago?”
Lesion looked at him with a perfectly straight face. “Pity.”

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