
Here's a quick haiku
To introduce me to you.
Do you like the view?

Okay, yeah, I know that was lame. but hey, a rhyming haiku on the spot isn't bad is it? So, welcome to my blog! This will mostly be used to get some interest and feedback on my writing that I've been doing in hopes that by the time I finish my books will be better than if I hadn't done this. I would appreciate comments with your opinions, what you like and don't like, etc.

---Thank you to those who have visited my blog! Deepest apologies for not updating as often as I intended to, I am working on fixing that. Thank you for your time and support, it mean's an incredible amount to me! *Please do have any friends and family you have that may enjoy some of what I write check it out and vote on the poll!!!*---

**Be sure to check the bottom of the page for information and a link about my novel Reversing Retribution which will be made into a movie by Mystic Arts Entertainment**

Thank you everyone for visiting, and hopefully reading so long as your here. Let's hope I don't fall out of my daily writing again any time soon!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A new poem (NOT written by me)

---I think this a great poem, and while I did not write it, I was asked to post it on my blog. I now do so happily, as I think my blog could use a bit more cheer :)---

Choose to Be Virtuous.
By J.D.S.

The first few breaths of life, an empty slate;
With each passing move, step, word: celebrate.
There’s so much to learn, and so much to do,
So much to seek out: discovering virtue.
The choices of others can weigh on our minds;
Those full of virtue, more happiness finds.
The shallows of life are easy to tread,
For those who choose to be carnal instead.
Let us strengthen ourselves, body and mind!
Go forth with courage: leave weakness behind.

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